第五届SoCal Elite connect Event 将于 2017年11月10日晚在DTLA Millennium Biltmore Hotel 举行,CSSA 公关部届时将邀请来自社会各界精英与留学生分享工作心得和感悟。鼓励留学生积极面向社会,建立自信,培养使命感和责任感,在未来成为一个真正的传递正能量的社会菁英。近30名嘉宾和来自南加州各知名学府经过遴选出的150名中国留学生出席了当天的活动。
We are now recruiting! Click on the link below to apply. The deadline for application is at 11:59pm on Sept 11 2017!
Link to Apply: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc7WIbKXdnDvQciCk7cOW9fZMq3UFJMHfkR0hQUNW2O9Q1ynw/viewform
Congratulations Class of 2017! We wish you all the best~ Hope you have enjoyed your life as a student. Good luck in your future and hope you will remember all the tiny bits that CSSA and the Department of Public Relations have contributed to your life. Thank you for all the support your have given us over these years!
非常感谢大家对本届SoCal Elites Connect的支持,也特别感谢这次SoCal Elites Connect的所有赞助商们。没有你们的支持,这届SoCal Elites Connect也不会如此成功。希望大家透过参加这次活动对于自己的未来有更好的规划,也希望大家对于不同的行业更加深刻的了解。本次活动的照片将会在未来1-2周更新到网页上,敬请期待。
【标题】SoCal Elites Connect - 年度最值得期待的 Networking 酒会 11 月 14 日强势回归!
【导语】南加州大学-中国学生学者联谊会(USC CSSA)打造的最高端的菁英交流平台,每一位参与者都将在与资深业内人士的交流中,获得开阔的国际视野,从而终身获益。
耗资 10000$+的场地及餐饮
一个团队 20 人的全力以赴:
2015 Socal Elites Connect强势回归
2015 SoCal Elites Connect
南加州大学-中国学生学者联谊会(USC CSSA)打造的最高端的菁英交流平台,每一位参与者都将在与资深业内人士的交流中,获得开阔的国际视野,从而终身获益。
无论是文科、理科、工科、商科、还是艺术类学生......SoCal Elites Connect 已搜罗了最全的行
业巨头名单,招揽了来自 Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lunch, Paramount Picture, Dreamworks Studios, Deloitte, Ernst&Young, KPMG, Google, Amazon 等财富榜百强公司的高管和顶尖人才。所有嘉宾的出席都只为迎接你的到来。
南加菁英鸡尾酒交流会,服务菁英、塑造菁英。为保证每一位菁英都能与业内人士深度交谈,2015 SoCal Elites Connect 将延续以往的甄选制度:每一位报名参加本次交流会的候选人,都须详细填
写报名表格,个人实习、工作经历等。本次活动主办方 CSSA 公关部将根据候选人填写的相关档案,甄选出最终参与者名单,并发送 E-mail 确认信以及购票链接至参与者手中。
【活动时间】November 14th. 6: 00 pm-10: 30 pm ——最后一抹夕阳离开日落大道,天使城中
【酒会设于】J.W. Marriott, Downtown, L.A. (900 W Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90015)
【着装须知】所有参与者请穿着 Business Attires & Business Suits。女士可着深色小礼裙。
General Admission: 59$
VIP: 89$ (将提前入场,并可与嘉宾进行私人会面)
(购票链接将在参与者名单确认后发送至各位 E-mail)
【报名流程】(报名截止 Nov. 9)
STEP1 请点击页面左下角阅读原文,详细填写表格内的每项内容,等待甄选结果的 E-mail 通知
STEP2 收到参与者确认信,根据 E-mail 中的购票指南购买 2015 SoCal Elites Connect
获取更多 2015 SoCal Elites Connect 相关信息,请关注 USC CSSA 官方微信平台。嘉宾简介及活动流程将在后续推送中陆续揭秘。
蔡湘仪 (Hermia)
2015-2016 USC CSSA 公关部
USC CSSA 公关部倾情呈现
通常境况下HR扫完一位竞聘者简历的时间只有5-8秒,而通过面对面交谈给陌生人留下印象只需要5-10分钟,世界上两个人之间建立起练习只需要不超过7个人的关系, 很多同学都在实习、工作开始6个月前就开始着手寻找机会,USC的学费有1/2都在于它的networking。
SoCal Elites Connect活动在过去4年内每年都会邀请涵盖超过6个不同行业的近30位嘉宾,为华人同学创造2个小时以上的自由社交空间。
一年一度的career social 盛会, Mark your calendar, Save the date!
活动时间:6:00-10:30, check-in started from 6:45pm
活动地点:JW Marriott L.A. LIVE 900 W Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90015
Dress Code: Ladies: Dresses or Business Attires; Gentlemen: Business Suits.
Regular Admission: $59
The Invited: $89 Extremely competitive-Limited Spots.
Welcome our new recruits in joining the Department of Public Relations 2015-2016~~~~~~
We are now recruiting new recruits to join our department~ Please click on the "Join Us" tab to learn more about the requirements :)!!!
AT&T On Campus to Set Up Phone Services For New Students
Hey everyone,
We are the Department of Public Relations of Chinese Students and Scholars Association.
Firstly, we would like to welcome all new students in joining the Trojan Family!!! Congratulations on being a Trojan. We believe that you must be already looking forward to exploring Los Angeles, the City of Angels. However, you probably cannot survive in a city without a cell phone. Last year, the Department of Public Relations partnered with AT&T in offering an international program to all students at USC in order to make new students' lives easier and turned out to be a great success. Therefore this year, we decided to continue partnering with AT&T :)~
Here are some advantages in participating in this program:
- Waiver of $500 deposit for qualified students
- Credit check must return as “No Credit"
- Unlimited International Texting
- Maximum of 3 waived deposits per account
- Ability to use "unlocked" devices versus purchasing new devices
- No contract for use of "unlocked" devices
- New devices available for purchase
- No charge for SIM card $25
- Monthly student discount for qualified plans
- Save more by signing up with a shared plan
- 10% off monthly bills
How to Participate:
- Provide International Passport
- Must provide student email address at time of service
- Provide student ID or verification of International Status
- Provide current address and contact number
- If wanting to use current device bring to store "unlocked"
Considering majority of the new students do not have a car yet, the Department of Public Relations and AT&T have decided to move the actual store to campus so that you would not have to beg people to drive you there =):
07/28/2015 (Tuesday)
07/30/2015 (Thursday)
08/04/2015 (Tuesday)
08/06/2015 (Thursday)
08/10/2015 (Monday)
08/11/2015 (Tuesday)
08/13/2015 (Thursday)
08/17/2015 (Monday)
08/29/2015 (Saturday)
Please RSVP on
and your requests shall be processed immediately. If you could not make any of those dates, please send an email to [email protected] and we may be able to figure something out. We would strongly recommend you to form groups of 3-8 before coming (the more people you get, the cheaper the plan is, but also the harder the coordination is as one person (the card holder) will pay the bill and others have to pay the card holder back every month.) Please submit your request at least 5 days before the registered date so that we will have sufficient time to have everything arranged. Remember to bring the required documents mentioned above. If you could not form a group in advance, we would try to put you into a group the day you come but there is no guarantee since it would depend on whether or not the other groups are willing to add you.
The Department of Public Relations once again welcome all of you in becoming Trojans on behalf of USC CSSA. Have a safe trip to LA. Fight On!
- Department of Public Relations | USC CSSA
Contacts for AT&T Questions:
姚桢卿 (Bernard) cyiu2014@alumni.usc.edu: +1(831)682-0255
05/21/2015: Forum Page has been added! Feel free to create new topics to discuss about!
05/20/2015: New contents have been added to the "Meet Our Staff" page!
05/19/2015: Current USC CSSA Organizational Chart has been added under "About" Tab! Please check it out if you are interested in our organization's structure.
05/17/2015: Event Introductions have been added to 2013 Welcome Back Party, 2014 AT&T and 2014 SoCal Elites Connect under Events' Tab!
05/16/2015: Sponsors' page has been added! Please submit us a request if interested in being one of our annual sponsors or event sponsors.
05/16/2015: Congratulations to all graduating students! Hope you all had a great experience at USC! All those football games, UCLA rivalries, fountain runs (it's now going to be undie runs,) etc... Remember, once a Trojan, always a Trojan! We wish you all the best on behalf of the entire USC CSSA community! Fight On Trojans!
05/01/2015: All previous events' photos have been posted!
04/22/2015: USC CSSA Home Page Button has been added under "About" Tab. Please check it out if interested!
04/20/2015: USC CSSA Department of Public Relations website was finally launched on 04/18/2015! Please visit this site often for more updates!
第五届SoCal Elite connect Event 将于 2017年11月10日晚在DTLA Millennium Biltmore Hotel 举行,CSSA 公关部届时将邀请来自社会各界精英与留学生分享工作心得和感悟。鼓励留学生积极面向社会,建立自信,培养使命感和责任感,在未来成为一个真正的传递正能量的社会菁英。近30名嘉宾和来自南加州各知名学府经过遴选出的150名中国留学生出席了当天的活动。
We are now recruiting! Click on the link below to apply. The deadline for application is at 11:59pm on Sept 11 2017!
Link to Apply: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc7WIbKXdnDvQciCk7cOW9fZMq3UFJMHfkR0hQUNW2O9Q1ynw/viewform
Congratulations Class of 2017! We wish you all the best~ Hope you have enjoyed your life as a student. Good luck in your future and hope you will remember all the tiny bits that CSSA and the Department of Public Relations have contributed to your life. Thank you for all the support your have given us over these years!
非常感谢大家对本届SoCal Elites Connect的支持,也特别感谢这次SoCal Elites Connect的所有赞助商们。没有你们的支持,这届SoCal Elites Connect也不会如此成功。希望大家透过参加这次活动对于自己的未来有更好的规划,也希望大家对于不同的行业更加深刻的了解。本次活动的照片将会在未来1-2周更新到网页上,敬请期待。
【标题】SoCal Elites Connect - 年度最值得期待的 Networking 酒会 11 月 14 日强势回归!
【导语】南加州大学-中国学生学者联谊会(USC CSSA)打造的最高端的菁英交流平台,每一位参与者都将在与资深业内人士的交流中,获得开阔的国际视野,从而终身获益。
耗资 10000$+的场地及餐饮
一个团队 20 人的全力以赴:
2015 Socal Elites Connect强势回归
2015 SoCal Elites Connect
南加州大学-中国学生学者联谊会(USC CSSA)打造的最高端的菁英交流平台,每一位参与者都将在与资深业内人士的交流中,获得开阔的国际视野,从而终身获益。
无论是文科、理科、工科、商科、还是艺术类学生......SoCal Elites Connect 已搜罗了最全的行
业巨头名单,招揽了来自 Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lunch, Paramount Picture, Dreamworks Studios, Deloitte, Ernst&Young, KPMG, Google, Amazon 等财富榜百强公司的高管和顶尖人才。所有嘉宾的出席都只为迎接你的到来。
南加菁英鸡尾酒交流会,服务菁英、塑造菁英。为保证每一位菁英都能与业内人士深度交谈,2015 SoCal Elites Connect 将延续以往的甄选制度:每一位报名参加本次交流会的候选人,都须详细填
写报名表格,个人实习、工作经历等。本次活动主办方 CSSA 公关部将根据候选人填写的相关档案,甄选出最终参与者名单,并发送 E-mail 确认信以及购票链接至参与者手中。
【活动时间】November 14th. 6: 00 pm-10: 30 pm ——最后一抹夕阳离开日落大道,天使城中
【酒会设于】J.W. Marriott, Downtown, L.A. (900 W Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90015)
【着装须知】所有参与者请穿着 Business Attires & Business Suits。女士可着深色小礼裙。
General Admission: 59$
VIP: 89$ (将提前入场,并可与嘉宾进行私人会面)
(购票链接将在参与者名单确认后发送至各位 E-mail)
【报名流程】(报名截止 Nov. 9)
STEP1 请点击页面左下角阅读原文,详细填写表格内的每项内容,等待甄选结果的 E-mail 通知
STEP2 收到参与者确认信,根据 E-mail 中的购票指南购买 2015 SoCal Elites Connect
获取更多 2015 SoCal Elites Connect 相关信息,请关注 USC CSSA 官方微信平台。嘉宾简介及活动流程将在后续推送中陆续揭秘。
蔡湘仪 (Hermia)
2015-2016 USC CSSA 公关部
USC CSSA 公关部倾情呈现
通常境况下HR扫完一位竞聘者简历的时间只有5-8秒,而通过面对面交谈给陌生人留下印象只需要5-10分钟,世界上两个人之间建立起练习只需要不超过7个人的关系, 很多同学都在实习、工作开始6个月前就开始着手寻找机会,USC的学费有1/2都在于它的networking。
SoCal Elites Connect活动在过去4年内每年都会邀请涵盖超过6个不同行业的近30位嘉宾,为华人同学创造2个小时以上的自由社交空间。
一年一度的career social 盛会, Mark your calendar, Save the date!
活动时间:6:00-10:30, check-in started from 6:45pm
活动地点:JW Marriott L.A. LIVE 900 W Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90015
Dress Code: Ladies: Dresses or Business Attires; Gentlemen: Business Suits.
Regular Admission: $59
The Invited: $89 Extremely competitive-Limited Spots.
Welcome our new recruits in joining the Department of Public Relations 2015-2016~~~~~~
We are now recruiting new recruits to join our department~ Please click on the "Join Us" tab to learn more about the requirements :)!!!
AT&T On Campus to Set Up Phone Services For New Students
Hey everyone,
We are the Department of Public Relations of Chinese Students and Scholars Association.
Firstly, we would like to welcome all new students in joining the Trojan Family!!! Congratulations on being a Trojan. We believe that you must be already looking forward to exploring Los Angeles, the City of Angels. However, you probably cannot survive in a city without a cell phone. Last year, the Department of Public Relations partnered with AT&T in offering an international program to all students at USC in order to make new students' lives easier and turned out to be a great success. Therefore this year, we decided to continue partnering with AT&T :)~
Here are some advantages in participating in this program:
- Waiver of $500 deposit for qualified students
- Credit check must return as “No Credit"
- Unlimited International Texting
- Maximum of 3 waived deposits per account
- Ability to use "unlocked" devices versus purchasing new devices
- No contract for use of "unlocked" devices
- New devices available for purchase
- No charge for SIM card $25
- Monthly student discount for qualified plans
- Save more by signing up with a shared plan
- 10% off monthly bills
How to Participate:
- Provide International Passport
- Must provide student email address at time of service
- Provide student ID or verification of International Status
- Provide current address and contact number
- If wanting to use current device bring to store "unlocked"
Considering majority of the new students do not have a car yet, the Department of Public Relations and AT&T have decided to move the actual store to campus so that you would not have to beg people to drive you there =):
07/28/2015 (Tuesday)
07/30/2015 (Thursday)
08/04/2015 (Tuesday)
08/06/2015 (Thursday)
08/10/2015 (Monday)
08/11/2015 (Tuesday)
08/13/2015 (Thursday)
08/17/2015 (Monday)
08/29/2015 (Saturday)
Please RSVP on
and your requests shall be processed immediately. If you could not make any of those dates, please send an email to [email protected] and we may be able to figure something out. We would strongly recommend you to form groups of 3-8 before coming (the more people you get, the cheaper the plan is, but also the harder the coordination is as one person (the card holder) will pay the bill and others have to pay the card holder back every month.) Please submit your request at least 5 days before the registered date so that we will have sufficient time to have everything arranged. Remember to bring the required documents mentioned above. If you could not form a group in advance, we would try to put you into a group the day you come but there is no guarantee since it would depend on whether or not the other groups are willing to add you.
The Department of Public Relations once again welcome all of you in becoming Trojans on behalf of USC CSSA. Have a safe trip to LA. Fight On!
- Department of Public Relations | USC CSSA
Contacts for AT&T Questions:
姚桢卿 (Bernard) cyiu2014@alumni.usc.edu: +1(831)682-0255
05/21/2015: Forum Page has been added! Feel free to create new topics to discuss about!
05/20/2015: New contents have been added to the "Meet Our Staff" page!
05/19/2015: Current USC CSSA Organizational Chart has been added under "About" Tab! Please check it out if you are interested in our organization's structure.
05/17/2015: Event Introductions have been added to 2013 Welcome Back Party, 2014 AT&T and 2014 SoCal Elites Connect under Events' Tab!
05/16/2015: Sponsors' page has been added! Please submit us a request if interested in being one of our annual sponsors or event sponsors.
05/16/2015: Congratulations to all graduating students! Hope you all had a great experience at USC! All those football games, UCLA rivalries, fountain runs (it's now going to be undie runs,) etc... Remember, once a Trojan, always a Trojan! We wish you all the best on behalf of the entire USC CSSA community! Fight On Trojans!
05/01/2015: All previous events' photos have been posted!
04/22/2015: USC CSSA Home Page Button has been added under "About" Tab. Please check it out if interested!
04/20/2015: USC CSSA Department of Public Relations website was finally launched on 04/18/2015! Please visit this site often for more updates!